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BioFibreLoop - Pioneering sustainable clothing

Manufacturing of circular biobased technical textiles with innovative, bio-inspired, laser induced functionalization. 


Logo BioFibreLoop


New regulations for the textile industry

The textile industry and the fast-fashion production philosophy are currently facing significant sustainability challenges.

EC‘s green deal pushes the European Union Industry to convert into a net-zero industry, accelerate the transition to climate neutrality and drive its resilience.
As an important part of the EU manufacturing industry, the EU’s textile sector is thus called to action and to reach the next level of disruptive innovations in sustainable textiles. Stricter regulations that include stringent bans on the use of harmful chemicals and obligations to reduce carbon footprints combined with a new generation of well-informed, environmentally conscious consumers are adding to the pressure put on this particularly polluting sector.

As a result, there is a need for a new production with the use of new, circular materials and innovative fabrication processes with minimal environmental impact. Additionally, there is a growing demand for new products showing smart functionalities with a high added value.

A path towards a more sustainable industry

The BioFibreLoop project aims to develop a new approach to textile production and facilitate its market entry based on the following guidelines:

  • Aim for zero waste: by up-taking biomaterials to facilitate the circular approach;
  • Eliminate hazardous chemicals: commit to zero use of dangerous substances;
  • Incorporate smart functionalities: develop textiles with features such as hydrophobicity, oil repellency, self-cleaning, and antibacterial activity.
BioFibreLoop scheme


This project will develop and validate a new technology specifically for the production of outdoor, active and workwear industries, focusing on circular technical textiles made from biopolymers. These textiles will feature innovative, non-toxic, and bio-inspired functionalities.

The goal of this technology is to capture 20% of the textile industry market by 2035.

ALPhANOV's role

In this project, ALPhANOV aims to validate and upscale a bioinspired laser-based functionalization process on bio-based textiles.

Processus de fonctionnalisation biomimétique BioFibreLoop

BioFibreLoop biomimetic functionalization process

This project will validate and demonstrate the use of breakthrough laser-based technology to create special surface structures in bio-based textiles (lignin, cellulosic material and PLA) that resemble those found in nature (Rosa Montana petals for hydrophobicity for example).

Photonics provides original solutions in sectors linked to sustainable development, and in particular here, in the textile industry, to solve problems linked to the mass production of clothing.

The partners


Financial supporters

Horizon Europe - key funding program for research and innovation (contract number : 101130603).

Logo UE


Begining of the project : 06/01/2024