Photonic Crystal Fiber Interfacing
Introducing PCF (Photonic Crystal fiber) often gives a real advantage in terms of performance, compactness and reliability.
With strong expertise in designing fiber lasers and fused fiber components, ALPhANOV is supplying end-treatment solutions to PCF (Photonic Crystal Fiber). Such fiber preparation includes PCF connectors, sealed and cleaved PCF, end-capped PCF and PCF with mode-adaptors.
ALPhANOV can address any PCF or special fiber, ranging from active double-clad large mode area fibers, to passive PCF such as hollow-core fibers and nonlinear PCF.
ALPhANOV offers a complete range of interfacing solution for your Photonic Crystal Fiber :
Patch-cords & cables, for low and high-power application
- FC/PC or APC
- High power SMA
- Industrial jacket
- To protect the fiber micro-structure from dust and humidity
- To decrease the beam fluence at the input or output interface without modification of the N.A
Mode Field Adaptors & Tapers
- Reduces connection loss between fibers with different mode field diameters
- The most extreme MFA from our standard product range connects 6 µm and 40 µm core fibers
Grin & Ball lenses
- The behavior of the lens can be simulated
- The focal length and the beam waist can be controlled
Optimization studies of splices
- All kinds of PCF, combination of different splices possible, PM alignment
Examples of realization for some very demanding applications :

SMA connector for active PCF
– High power Application

End-capping for active PCF
– High Energy application

Beam delivery & shaping based on hollow-core fiber – 100W-100fs @1030/1064nm

Highly reliable LC cables for low-latency communications based on hollow-core fiber

High Power Beam delivery for quantum experiments based on large mode area fibers

Our related collaborative projects
CRYST^3 - Prototype of a new material based on individual alkali atoms
Developing a new fully-fiber prototype, based on the trapping and cooling of cold atoms in a hollow core fiber.
Learn more -
PhotonHub Europe - One-stop-shop open access to photonics innovation support
To help SMEs deploy photonics-based technologies faster and more efficiently.
Learn more -
Harmony – Frequency stabilization of lasers using PCF hollow core fibers (HC-PCF)
Develop an all-fiber gas cell component based on PCF hollow core fibers (HC-PCF) that will be used for laser frequency stabilisation.
Learn more
- Continuous spatial self-cleaning in GRIN multimode fiber for self-referenced multiplex CARS imaging, S. Wehbi, T. Mansuryan, K. Krupa, M. Fabert, A. Tonello, M. Zitelli, M. Ferraro, F. Mangini, Y. Sun, S. Vergnole, H. Kano, S. Wabnitz, V. Couderc - 2022
- Record power transmission of intense UV radiation in a single-mode hollow-core fiber with 23.3W, 155μJ, 10ns pulses at 343nm, F. Leroi, A. Guillossou, J. Didierjean, J. Saby, J. Boullet - 2022
- Mid-infrared hollow core fiber drawn from a 3D printed chalcogenide glass preform, J. Carcreff, F. Cheviré, E. Galdo, R. Lebullenger, A. Gautier, J.L Adam, D. Le Coq, L. Brilland, R. Chahal, G. Renversez, J. Troles
- Photonic crystal fiber-based components for high power industrial Fs laser applications, J. Boullet; S. Boivinet; C. Pierre; G. Machinet; H. Lecommandoux; E. Chalumeau; C. Vinçont; K. Robin; M. Berisset
- Fused fiber components for parallel coherent fiber lasers, A. Zoubir & P. Dupriez - 2015
- Modelling the competition between photo-darkening and photo-bleaching effects in high-power ytterbium-doped fibre amplifiers, A. Jolly, C. Vinçont, Ch. Pierre & J. Boullet - 2017
- Towards fully commercial, UV-compatible fiber patch cords, Marciniak, C. D., Ball, H. B., Hung, A. T.-H., & Biercuk, M. J. - 2017