Imaging and sensors
ALPhANOV supports you in the design and implementation of unconventional imaging systems, spectroscopy devices and optical and infrared sensors.
ALPhANOV has developed knowledge and expertise in the field of unconventional imaging and optoelectronic sensors from ultraviolet to far infrared. Our experienced engineers and technicians support you in the research and implementation of measurement or imaging solutions for the technological development of your products or for the improvement of your manufacturing processes. Their multiple skills fit your requirements for the design and implementation of innovative systems based on cameras and/or detectors:
- Requirements definition
- Optical design
- Electronic development
- Mechanical design
- Software and MMI development
- Prototyping
ALPhANOV can offer customized solutions or architectures to be adapted to the most demanding applications such as low-level light imaging, imaging in environments that are difficult to access or aggressive, real-time sorting of specific productions, etc.
In addition, ALPhANOV has developed expertise in the adaptation of microscope platforms so that they can be coupled with ultra-sensitive detectors for the photocounting or powerful and short pulse lasers. These laser energy pulses, brought through the lenses of microscopes, can thus also interact as well with biological media or with integrated circuits.
Examples of applications
- Multi-spectral imaging in SWIR band
- Modular microscopy platform
- Metrology and online monitoring
- Spectroscopy devices
- Optical sorting
- Biomedical imaging
- Endoscopy
Application sheet