Custom Laser Development
At the core of ALPhANOV is the development of custom laser sources tailored to your applications.
After years of R&D in fiber lasers, our team of skilled physicists, engineers and technicians are willing to face any challenge.To build your custom laser sources, we take special care in providing you with different financing schemes: from off-the-shelf solutions to dedicated collaborative project funding, together we will find the best way to move forward with your project.

A modular design for your laser sources
Depending on your need, we support you in all phases of your laser development:
- Drafting specifications
- Feasibility tests
- Optical, mechanical and electronic design
- Assembly
- Development of a piloting software
- Reliability test
- Validation of the application
- Production of pre-series
- Transfer assembly procedures to your teams if necessary

We believe it is possible to develop custom lasers sources with a level of craftmanship similar to that of industrial, high-volume products. Our strategy is to develop highly specialized optical modules, using dedicated engineering methods to make them easily compatible. Depending on your requirements, your custom laser can then either be integrated into a single housing or into multiple elements.

Laser diode

Laser oscillator

Laser amplifier

Nonlinear module

Dispersion control

Pointing stabilisation

Pulse picking

Pulse control

Beam shaping

Fiber delivery
Some examples of laser sources realisations
- Picosecond laser at 780 nm for prostate cancer diagnosis
- Compact sub-40fs fiber seeder at 800 nm for ti:sapphire lasers
- Air-cooled 200W at 940 nm laser source for material processing
- Ajustable temporal shape laser, 200µJ at 1064 nm for material processing
- High efficiency SHG resonant cavity module for a 1W CW single-frequency laser at 461 nm, for atom trapping
- 350W single frequency fiber amplifier for gravitational wave detection

Technology transfer
ALPhANOV can accompangy your project from the prototype to first pre-series. After having successfully developed your laser, our mission becomes to transport the product in its entirety to your teams, through a technology transfer agreement.
The technology transfer includes the intellectual property, a complete training, the full documentation from definition files to acceptance test procedure, the complete procedure for building the laser including the list of machines and tools, and our recommendations in terms of human resourcing profiles to hire.
- Complete training
- Full technical documentation
- Manufacturing procedure
- Human resources aspects
- Intellectual property
Our related collaborative projects
APACHE - Very high gain and energy lasers at high medium power
Developing a strategic technological brick for laser systems combining very high amplification gains and high energy, compatible with high medium power.
Learn more -
SLALLOM - Holographic microscope
To develop a holographic microscope for all-optical brain studies with a single laser source.
Learn more -
TALSO - New brazing process
Develop a new cold brazing process based on porous silver oxalate joint for the thermal functionalization of optical components.
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MIRACLE - Supercontinuum medium infrared source
To develop a supercontinuum laser emitting wavelengths ranging from 2 microns to 5.3 microns with an average power greater than 4 W.
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- High-power nonlinear amplification of an ultrafast electro-optic frequency comb with flexible GHz repetition rate, H. Ye, F. Leroi, L. Pontagnier, G. Santarelli, J. Boullet, E. Cormier - 2022
- Electro-optic comb pumped optical parametric oscillator with flexible repetition rate at GHz level, H. Ye, V. Freysz, R. Bello-Doua, L. Pontagnier, G. Santarelli, E. Cormier, E. Freysz
- High power continuous laser at 461 nm based on a compact and high-efficiency frequency-doubling linear cavity, C.-H. Feng, S. Vidal, P. Robert, P. Bouyer, B. Desruelle, M. Prevedelli, J. Boullet, G. Santarelli, A. Bertoldi
- Electro-optic comb pumped optical parametric oscillator with flexible repetition rate at GHz level, H. Ye, V. Freysz, R. Bello-Doua, L. Pontagnier, G. Santarelli, E. Cormier, E. Freysz
- Scalable amplification with a high gain x energy product at room temperature using a thick slab of Yb3+:YAG, A. Jolly, J. Boullet, G. Machinet
- 30 TW and 33 fs pulses delivered by a Ti:Sa amplifier system seeded with a frequency-doubled fiber laser, S. Boivinet, A. Pellegrina, L. Ranc, T. Morbieu, S. Vidal, J.-P. Yehouessi, P. Morin, H. Lecommandoux, K. Robin, C. Vinçont, C. Pierre, M. Berisse
- Nonlinear imaging using a 35 fs 3.5 nJ all-PM fiber laser frequency doubled at 800 nm, C.-H. Hage, S. Boivinet, S. Vidal, G. Machinet, J. Boullet