The Gemini project: Study of perovskite degradation
The Gemini project aims to advance fundamental understanding behind the structure of halogenated perovskites by focusing on early stages of their degradation under the influence of different stress factors.
Perovskites: high-efficiency materials
Perovskites are a class of materials used for converting solar energy into electricity with high efficiency. They are mainly used in the manufacture of photovoltaic components. Although they have many other advantages (ease of manufacture, flexibility, production cost), external stress factors such as temperature and light reduce their long-term performance.
In order to study the degradation dynamics of perovskites, one goal of this project is to design and set up a laboratory characterization platform based on time-resolved X-ray diffraction, giving access to the picosecond structural dynamics of these materials.
Gemini project: an exceptional collaboration
Led by Research Director Frédéric Sauvage of the Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (LRCS), Gemini will be carried out in close collaboration with ALPhANOV's Photonic Systems department.
This department is dedicated to the design and production of systems integrating advanced optical and photonic technologies. This includes the design and manufacture of opto-mechanical benches, optical performance measurement devices and advances vision systems.
It was through other project, such as XPulse, that an expertise in laser-driven X-ray generation was developed at ALPhANOV.
As part of Gemini, ALPhANOV will develop and supply a high-speed diffraction system comprising two main sub-assemblies:
- A table-top conversion module (XPLS) to generate a pulsed source of hard X-rays (tens of keV) from a high intensity laser source. This type of source will provide picosecond or sub-picosecond X-ray pulses, clocked at 1kHz, paving the way for the study of ultrafast dynamics via time-resolved diffraction measurements thanks to an optical pump/X-ray probe setup.
- An enclosure for radiation protection housing the XPLS module and designed to integrate a time-resolved X-ray diffraction experimental platform.

Project starting date: november 2024
Horizon Europe - key funding program for research and innovation - ERC (n°101141284 ERC - 2023 – ADG)