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ALPhANOV is equipped with a fast infrared camera of the series FAST-IR


As part of the Convergence project, a collaborative R&D program between research, technology transfer and industry, ALPhANOV is equipped with the FAST L200 camera from TELOPS.

The main source of infrared radiation (IR) is heat. Any object with a temperature higher than 0 K emits radiation in the IR range. An IR camera has many photonic sensors arranged on the focal plane of the camera. They make it possible to measure the photonic fluxes and therefore the temperature emitted by each pixel of a surface at any instant.

The FAST series cameras feature high-quality performance. In particular, the FAST L200 includes specific features such as integrating a 640 x 512 pixel resolution focal plane detector using MCT (Mercury Cadmium Tellure) as a detector material. Placed under vacuum in a Stirling type cooler, the detector thus obtains a response on the spectral band from 7.7 to 9.3 μm under its nominal configuration.

The FAST L200 allows the measurement of targets with temperatures between -15°C and +150°C (+2 500°C as an option) in the spectral range from 7.7 to 9.3 μm while maintaining a radiometric sensitivity (Noise Equivalent Differential Temperature - NEDT) of at least 22 mK under standard operating conditions.

ALPhANOV acquired this camera as part of the Convergence project

In conjunction with advanced data processing methods developed within ALPHANOV, this acquisition will enable the estimation of thermo-physical properties of the materials of interest, within the Convergence Project, but also on the other projects in progress, the determination of contact resistances in heterogeneous materials, estimation of thermal fluxes dissipated during the experiments carried out etc.

This acquisition will also make it possible to carry out Non-Destructive Testing during experimental tests carried out in the framework of other projects allowing among others:

  • Direct examination of parts, structures, samples and detection of defects or heterogeneities

  • Monitoring the in-service evolution of detected faults

  • The prevention of certain risks for the experimenter, the material or the sample tested (surveillance and localization of heating up etc.)

  • Temperature measurements over an entire surface (flat, fibrous, heterogeneous, homogeneous etc.) at any time


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