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Kick-off meeting of the XPulse project


On Thursday October 19th, the partners of the XPulse project met at the Institute of Optics of Aquitaine for the kick-off of the project.

XPulse aims to develop an innovative X-ray medical imaging system exploiting high-power intense lasers for application in the early detection of breast cancer. This project, funded by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and the ERDF, brings together a consortium of doctors, radiotherapists, researchers and engineers, who will have five years to achieve the creation of a mammogram prototype based on the use of intense lasers.

This prototype should make it possible to detect small breast-cancers at earlier stages and with low irradiating dose by exploiting a new phase contrast imaging technique, made possible by the use of the intense laser-generated X sources developed within the project.

The consortium led by ALPhANOV is composed of Amplitude Laser Group, imagine Optic, the CELIA laboratory and the Bergonié Institute.

The kick-off meeting, which took place on Thursday, October 19th, was the occasion to officially launch the project, fix the various issues and present the actions already on-going.

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