- Highly efficient mJ level laser amplifiers at 2 microns for frequency comb spectroscopy, S. Vidal; A. Jolly; P. J. Hébert; B. Faure; J. Boullet
- Thermal lensing effects in rod-based Tm3+: YLF amplifiers versus pump and cooling conditions, A Jolly; S Vidal; J Boullet
- Laser-induced damage threshold of Yb:YAG crystals at stretched 150-ps pulses, M. J. Milla Rodrigo; R. Diaz; L. Deyra; D. Sangla; M. Durand; P. Sevillano; A. Courjaud; J. Boullet
- New method approach to estimate the thermal volume flow deposited within the crystal over laser pumping, A. GODIN; A. SACI; L. DEYRA; A. Courjaud; J. Boullet; B. Gavory
- 3.5 nJ femtosecond pulses at 792 nm generated by frequency doubling of an all-PM fiber high energy 48 fs laser, S. Boivinet; P. Morin; J. P. Yehouessi; S. Vidal; G. Machinet; J. Boullet
- 3 W Mid-IR supercontinuum extended up to 4.6 µm based on an all-PM thulium doped fiber gain-switch laser seeding an InF3 fiber, J-P. Yehouessi; S. Vidal; J-Y. Carrée; L. Bodin; S. Cozic; T. Berthelot; S. Poulain; L. Calvez; G. Huss; J. Boullet
- 200-W single frequency laser based on short active double clad tapered fiber, C. Pierre; G. Guiraud; J-P Yehouessi; G. Santarelli; J. Boullet; N. Traynor; C. Vinçont
- New fast galvo scanner head for high throughput micromachining, G Mincuzzi, A Rebière, J Lopez, M Faucon, R Kling
- Controlling Micron and Submicron Scale Laser Induced Surface Structures on Stainless Steel with Industrial Femtosecond Lasers, F. Fraggelakis, G. Mincuzzi, J. Lopez, R. Kling, I. Manek-Hönninger
- On the Interplay of DLIP and LIPSS Upon Ultra-Short Laser Pulse Irradiation, S. Alamri, F. Fraggelakis, T. Kunze, B. Krupop, G. Minncuzzi, R. Kling, A.-F. Lasagni