- Double- and Multi-Femtosecond Pulses Produced by Birefringent Crystals for the Generation of 2D Laser-Induced Structures on a Stainless Steel Surface, F. Fraggelakis, G. Giannuzzi, C. Gaudiuso, I. Manek-Hönninger, G. Mincuzzi, A. Ancona, R. Kling
- Biofabrication of a vascular capillary by ultra-short laser pulses, I. Verit, C. Rigothier, L. Gemini, J. Preterre, C. Javaux-Leger; J.-C. Fricain, R. Kling
- Fused silica ablation by double femtosecond laser pulses with variable delays, K. Gaudfrin, G. Duchateau, K. Mishchik, R. Kling, J. Lopez
- Beam engineering for high throughput material processing with high power, femtosecond lasers, G. Mincuzzi, A. Rebière, B. Le Goaec, S. Nourry, P. Pagano, M. Faucon, R. Kling
- Additive manufacturing by wire based laser metal deposition, M. Valentin, C. Arnaud, R. Kling
- Controlling 2D laser nano structuring over large area with double femtosecond pulses, F. Fraggelakis, G. Mincuzzi, J. Lopez, I. Manek-Hönninger, R. Kling
- Femtosecond Laser Based Manufacturing of Tailored Flexible Electronics for OLED and OPV Applications, J. Choi, Y. Yoo, H.-J. Kim, H.-H. Lee, E. Mottay, R. Kling
- High-power all-fiber ultra-low noise laser, J. Zhao, G. Guiraud, C. Pierre, F. Floissat, A. Casanova, A. Hreibi, W. Chaibi, N. Traynor, J. Boullet, G. Santarelli
- SBS management in Yb-fiber-amplifiers using multimode seeds and pulse-shaping, A. Jolly, F. S. Gokhan, R. Bello, & P. Dupriez - 2014
- Multi-100W class, fully integrated, monolithic ytterbium-doped photonic-crystal fiber amplifier module, J. Boullet; G. Guiraud; G. Santarelli; C. Vincont; S. Salort; Ch. Pierre - 2016